30 Day Comfort Guarantee

Terms & Conditions

Selle Royal saddles and accessories benefit from the 30-Day Comfort Guarantee: try the product for up to 30 days and, if it is not the right one for you, simply return it.

The return is free and you will be fully refunded, provided the product has not been damaged.

During the 30-day period starting from the date of delivery of the Selle Royal products, customers can use their saddles as normal. If a consumer wishes to return their product(s) for any reason, they may be returned for a refund of the purchase price paid. All returned products must be complete with packaging, labels, manuals, and any other item included in the original package. Products must not have been damaged. 

To make a claim under this guarantee for a product not purchased through this website, you must make your return, accompanied by your original receipt, to the online or offline store from which it was purchased. Provided the product has not been damaged, you will be refunded according to the seller’s policy.


How to make a return under 30 Day Comfort Guarantee for a product purchased through this website?

To make a return under 30 Day Comfort Guarantee for a product purchased through this website, please fill out the dedicated returns form here.

Returns are free for all countries, and you can return all or part of your order if you bought multiple items.


For any further questions, you can contact us using the following form.